Meios e Mídias · Paradigmas e comportamentos

“Não me diga o que eu não posso fazer”: instalando o Dephormation

O Dephormation, o tal plugin que supostamente nos defenderia do Phorm (saiba mais no post anterior) não é a solução de todos os males. O site do plugin adverte:

Dephormation is not a solution. Its a fig leaf for your privacy.
Do not rely on Dephormation to protect the privacy, security & integrity of your communications.
If your ISP is a Phorm partner, you need to find a new ISP.

Dephormation não é uma solução. É só um amuleto da sorte para a sua privacidade.
Não confie em Dephormation para proteger a privacidade, a segurança e integridade das suas comunicações.
Se o seu provedor é um parceiro Phorm, você precisa encontrar um novo ISP.

Mas seja como for, alguma proteção, mesmo que pouca, é melhor que nenhuma. E tem outra coisa, eu tenho muita, muita raiva de ser bloqueada por estar acessando de um determinado país com um determinado IP. Em tempos de globalização, me sinto literalmente ultrajada quando um site me diz que não posso acessar um determinado conteúdo por ser uma brasileria acessando do Brasil através de um provedor “X”, que é, por escolha ou contingência, o meu. É o mesmo que me julgar por meu credo religioso, pela cor da minha pele ou por ser do sexo feminino. Já dizia Locke, não o filósofo empirista, mas o outro, “Não me diga o que eu não posso fazer“.

Então, se além de reclamar bastante sobre o Phorm e sua eventual vinda pro Brasil, eu quero instalar o Dephormation, eu instalo e pronto. Bloqueada ou não.

Como nem todo mundo sabe como fazer isso, e como a instalação do Dephormation requer um tiquinho mais de trabalho do que a instalação de outros plugins, vai um pequeno tutorial de como fazer isso.

Seu firefox deve ser 3.X . Se você possui versões anteriores a essa, o site do Dephormation possui instruções de instalação, mas eu fortemente lhe aconselho a fazer a atualização do seu navegador. Da mesma forma, se você usa outro navegador, sugiro usar o firefox.

Antes de começar você vai precisar fazer algumas alterações no config do seu firefox ou ele não irá instalar o plugin.

Digite about:config na barra de endereço do navegador. Uma mensagem de alerta deve aparecer, avisando que você está prestes a fazer alterações que podem comprometer o browser e lhe orientando a ser cuidadoso. Clique ok.

Na tela que irá se abrir, com várias coisas listadas, clique com o botão direito do mouse em “accessibility.accesskeycausesactivation” e escolha: novo, bolean.

Entre com o seguinte texto: extensions.checkUpdateSecurity (copie exatamente como está escrito aqui, pois é case sensitive, ou seja, diferencia maiúsculas de minúsculas)

A seguir, escolha falso e dê ok.

Agora o seu navegador já está pronto pra receber o Dephormation, então precisamos burlar o bloqueio para brasileiros. É preciso usar um proxy SSL não brasileiro. Tem várias formas de fazer isso, mas vamos a uma bem simples.

Vá em , um proxy inglês.
No fim da página há um espaço para você colocar a url e dar ok, e nesse espaço você vai digitar o endereço para download do plugin deformation (não coloquei como link para facilitar a cópia 🙂 )

A página do Dephormation irá abrir, e basta clicar em “Download the Dephormation v3.5 Firefox Add On“. Se nada acontecer, verifique se o firefox não impediu o dowload, como na imagem abaixo, e nesse caso, basta clicar em permitir.

Quando a instalação terminar, basta fechar o firefox e quando você o abrir de novo, uma mensagem irá aparecer na sua tela e você já estará (minimamente) protegido:

Thank you for installing Dephormation.
Switching ISP is the ONLY effetive way to protect the privacy, security. and integrity of you communications.
The Dephormation add on is a toolkit to protect internet users from Phorm.
It maintains your ‘opt out’ cookie and detects Phorm cookis created while you brownse the web.
The add on can alert you to Phorm/Webwise/OIX averts, and hirrden links on web pages.
Suspicious brownser status changes, redirects, and cookies are displayed on the error console or logged to file.
Please review Dephormation preferences before first use (Tools/Dephormation…).

Visit for more information.

Obrigado por instalar Dephormation.

Trocar de ISP é a ÚNICA maneira efetiva para proteger a privacidade, segurança e integridade das suas comunicações.
O Dephormation add on é um conjunto de ferramentas para proteger contra o Phorm os usuários de internet.
Ele mantém o seu cookie ‘opt out’ e detecta cookies do Phorm criado quando você navega na web.
O plugin pode alertá-lo sobre as ações do Phorm / Webwise / oix , e esconder links nas páginas web.
mudanças suspeitas no status do brownser , redirecionamentos, e cookies são exibidos no console de erro ou registrados em arquivo.
Por favor, reveja as preferências Dephormation antes da primeira utilização (Ferramentas / Dephormation …).

Proteja as comunicações privadas. Pare o Phorm.
Visite para mais informações.

Espero que isso ajude. 🙂 Agora é só pegar a dica de instalar o Dephormation pra barrar o Phorm dada pelo Manoel Neto no artigo Phorm desembarca no Brasil, trazida pela Oi e coloca-la em prática…


Instalar o Dephormation NÃO É garantia de segurança. Se você lê em inglês, sugiro ler o comentário do Pete – criador do Dephormation – mais abaixo. Mas como eu digo várias vezes, alguma proteção é melhor que nenhuma proteção.  Agora que seu Dephormation está instalado, não deixe de reclamar com seu provedor de acesso (e trocar de provedor, se for possível), com os políticos que você elegeu, e fazer bastante barulho para impedir o phorm de se instalar no Brasil.

28 comentários em ““Não me diga o que eu não posso fazer”: instalando o Dephormation

  1. I understand your anger.

    Dephormation has been campaigning against Phorm for a long time in the United Kingdom. Perhaps his actions seem excessive but I’m sure he is only doing this to raise awareness. Phorm is a subject that raises passion in many people, some more than others.

    As you have discovered the tool is not a solution. Changing your provider may be, if you can, since you will avoid Phorm and it will lose them business and make them think twice about introducing Phorm to their networks.

    Otherwise Phorm as a company is devious. You probably realise this already but that should become more apparent in the coming weeks or at least I think it will. The prize for them, and their partners, is something they will not easily give up.

    You are not being discriminated against because of Nationality, Race, Gender, Colour or Creed. It is because of Phorm.

    You mention Globalisation. If Phorm succeeds in your country then it becomes part of the Global Internet. It will not only monitor your activities in Brazil it will monitor them across the world.

    One of the arguments made by Web Site owners against Phorm is that it gathers information from Sites without their permission and uses it for commercial gain. Furthermore the communications involved are two way. It is not only your privacy which is violated it is the privacy of the Web Site and its owner.

    Consider your Blog, and I know from reading some of it that you understand this. You allow me to come to it and read it. You also allow me to post comments to your articles. I realise these things will be read by others but I feel that they are, in some way private.

    You publish a lot of information about yourself and share it with others. That’s private as well but you do it for a reason.

    FlagFox says your blog is hosted in the USA. Yes the internet is Global.

    Phorm in Brazil will monitor communications between Brazilians and, as a Brazilian, your Blog, hosted in the USA.

    Perhaps you may have been born English, although that would be no great shakes, then Phorm in Brazil would monitor communications between Brazilians and, as an EnglishWoman, your Blog, hosted in Germany.

    I don’t know if Phorm have explained how they expect Web Sites to ‘opt-out’ of their profiling or have even mentioned the possibility of it in Brazil.

    When here their proposal was that sites should block Google in their robots.txt file. They would not provide their own spider agent name. Otherwise the site had to e-mail Phorm and request to be added to a block list.

    As I say they are devious.

    One other possible action a site might take to protect communications between themselves and there users or customers is to implement HTTPS. Google is experimenting with this. HTTPS costs and needs to be maintained.

    Why should they have to do this? It is Phorm that is creating the problem.

    Dephormation has HTTPS on his site but he is also blocking by country using PHP scripts.

    It’s not just Brazil. Korea is blocked as well. Also he is denying access by company ranges. Phorm’s netblock assignment as well as that of BT, the ISP who tried to partner with Phorm in the UK, and a number of others are also denied access to his sites.

    Extreme? Perhaps. It also raises awareness and, yes, possibly annoyance and anger. I can understand why he does it. He has being campaigning against Phorm and others who would and do do similar things for a long time.

    I’m sorry if I have spoken too much or it seems I am trying to hard to justify others actions.


    1. Hi Kevin,
      I kind of understand, but I disagree. And think it’s wrong for many reasons.

      You say I’m not being discriminated for my country or my gender or wherelse, but by Phorm, but think about it… I did not choose the Phorm. Actually I’m protesting against it. And I wanted to install dephormation just to minimally defend myself from Phorm. But I’m blocked. And this happens before the Phorm really and tottaly settling in Brazil, independent of my ISP: I have been blocked by my IP being Brazilian.

      I agree that is a form of protest and call attention to the problem. But annoying users is a bit unfair when many of us are together in the campaign against Phorm. Block an entire country to access content is to punish the victim rather than the criminal. And by definition, this is unfair.

      Not everyone knows how to access a site with an IP that is not yours. And in theory I think is wrong to do so. But I also think it’s wrong to be blocked to download a plugin or watch a video on Youtube for being Brazilian. I’m not doing anything illegal or morally questionable. And yet I’m being punished for being from a particular country.

      Like yourself noticed, my blog is hosted outside of my country.I normally write in Portuguese but I am here, exchanging ideas with you in English. This is something almost unthinkable before the Internet, and proves that this is a globalized world. We have the same concerns about Phorm and eventually we can share other tastes in common, because we are part of one global community, regardless of our ages, cultural differences, the actions of our governments, the actions of private companies that operate in our countries and where we live. And if I can talk to you and have ability to add new things to a discussion, Why should I be blocked because I live in Brazil? It is not correct.

      There are other ways to raise awareness and protect ourselves that do not include blocking entire countries … blocking is excluded, and is against the idea of freedom of the internet the same way that the monitoring that would impose on Phorm. When Dephormation block access to a intire nationality, trying to raise awareness, is doing as wrong as the Phorm, even if their intent was the best.

      I argue for an Internet that is free, safe, responsive and accessible to everyone regardless of their creeds, nations, social status, gender or race. Therefore I am against Phorm, but I am also against being blocked by accessing from Brazil (or Korea, or any another county…).


  2. Hi Adriana

    Thank you for the reply.

    I might agree in part with your thoughts however I tend to look for reasons why different people might reach different conclusions or take different actions. I may feel it is wrong but at the same time I will try to understand the decision and accept it as being a personal choice.

    Some things, like Phorm, are, in my mind, absolutes. It should not be allowed. I might be certain that marketers or others with a vested interest would try to argue differently but I can quite easily see through and dismiss such people and their arguments.

    Dephormation is an individual. He is not YouTube or Mozilla or dare I say FaceBook. The site is his. He developed the plugin and the work is his. If he chooses to block access to a country then that is his choice and dare I say his right.

    He and others have been campaigning against Phorm for a long time. Perhaps since 2006. I am a novice. Phorm, and others who would attempt similar activity, is still here, hopefully not for much longer. When they are gone others and the issues they raise will still remain and, I would say, have to be dealt with.

    For example Ghostery, another Firefox plugin, shows that this page is hosting ‘tracking scripts’ from Comscore Beacon, Quantcast, Snap and WordPress Stats. NoScript shows Skimlinks, Quantserve and Scorecardresearch. I don’t doubt that these companies have placed cookies on my computer as well.

    That is seven different entities that have recorded my visit to this page and, if allowed, would collect data from my visit. That data will be aggregated along with other information to build a profile about me. Yes Phorm is bad but once Phorm is gone the others will remain.

    When Phorm has gone I shall probably fade away. However I know that people like Dephormation and others will still be working on the problems that arise from the existence of those companies as well. That work is not limited to a website or a plugin it goes much further.

    When I first became aware of Phorm, without proper knowledge, I naively suggested that there may be some compromise to be made. I was met with a wall of zero tolerance. Having discovered more about what is going on and how these companies behave it is the right attitude.

    As I say I might agree in part with what you say. I actually laughed when I first saw the block, childish? Then I thought it was excessive and became concerned.

    I am not very good at linear thinking. Sitting here now and thinking about it I’m afraid I have to agree with what he has done. The plugin is not a solution. Refusing access to it annoys you. It is Phorm’s fault.

    You say Suplicy is one of those rare politicians you respect and is a man with common sense. You are eloquent, intelligent, thoughtful, passionate and caring. I mean that, in comparison I am clumsy. If you haven’t already then,

    Give him your thoughts. I know you would not but not a scrappy e-mail. Just a cover and an attached letter/document in pdf format. Mine is now twelve pages long and growing. Perhaps I write to many words.


    1. Hi again. 🙂

      I don’t disagree with you. I think maybe we’re having a language issue and I’m not making myself clear. Or not. 🙂

      Perhaps the comparison I made between Phorm and the position of Dephormation has been exaggerated. I tend to be a kind of passionate sometimes. What I mean is that in both cases there are positions that hurt the fundamental principles of the Internet in what I believe the internet should be. But I agree: Dephormation has the right to manage their work and feel strongly about, and if that includes block my access, ultimately is their right. I just do not have to agree that this is the correct posture.

      You put yourself in place of Dephormation. Now put yourself in my place. Or worse, put yourself in place of another Brazilian who does not speak English and who has a little trouble with the internet. He discovers the plans of his ISP to bring Phorm to Brazil. Like me, this hypothetical person can not change providers because the in the place where he lives his ISP is the only option. He can complain to his ISP, but as he can’t cancel the services, their bargaining power is small. He can also complain to the competent organs of their city, state and country, but this claim may or may not bear fruit. He may talk about that on social networks that he belongs, on your blog and spread the issue to as many people as he can, but many may not care or don’t have much else to do. When he finished making all of this, if he doesn’t succeeds, he will be in the hands of Phorm. Then he discovers that someone made a plugin that can defend himself of Phorm, even if only a little. But as he lives in a country where there is a risk of Phorm is active,he is blocked.

      I believe the very reason for existence of Dephormation is protest (and create some kind of defense) on the existence of Phorm. And in the moment that its existence would be more than justified, necessary, it is denied to those in need.

      So I understand the reasons why my access was denied, and recognize that it is a right of the creator of the plugin, but I must point out that there is inconsistency in the attitude of its creator. I know (or imagine) that his work is not restricted to this plugin, but in the case of this creation, when it is needed, it can not be used. Or we must do as I did: access through a foreign proxy and install despite the blockade. But not everyone knows how. And I confess that I find kind of sad having to do this.

      Install Dephormation is not the solution. But is a extra security that could be given to people of Korea, Brazilians and others who are in danger of being tracked by Phorm. Parallel to this, post the question in all possible media and alert the authorities are also our obligations, and I’m not denying the importance of them. I agree that these other things are more important than installing the Dephormation. But deep down I still think that simply denying access is punishing the victim and helping the criminal. Without some protection, if nothing that I do give results, the only person who will be happy are the creators of Phorm (and my ISP).

      Believe me, I’m taking action regarding Phorm. Contacting whom I can (And not just Suplicy, because he is not my senator. Since he is from another state, I can not vote for him!:( ) But parallel to it, I thought it was my right to install Dephormation too. One thing does not exclude the other.:)


  3. I read your blog with interest. And you have my best wishes and support.

    The add on is indeed blocked for users in Brazil, but if you get in touch using the contact page on Dephormation I’ll mail the software to you (or anyone else who wants it).

    The reason for blocking is to motivate Brazilians affected by Phorm to act.

    Installing a browser add on will not give you much protection from Phorm. It is vital you petition your regulators, police and politicians to stop Phorm. If you can stop Phorm, as we have in the UK, you don’t need Dephormation.

    You also need (where possible) to move your business to a trustworthy internet service provider. If you find a provider you can trust, else use a VPN tunnel, you don’t need Dephormation.

    But another more important reason is this. I don’t want to give anyone in Brazil a false sense of security. Phorm haven’t explained how their system functions for over two years. Dephormation was based on a detailed technical analysis which is over two years old.

    That means it is quite possible the system they are proposing to use in Brazil differs significantly from the system in the UK (and Dephormation may not provide any protection at all).

    Sadly – as you’re beginning to discover – Phorm are deceptive, dangerous, lying criminals.

    You should never allow your personal or commercial communications to pass through their hands if you can possibly avoid it.

    Phorm is mass surveillance, industrial espionage, and copyright theft.



    1. Thanks for visiting. As I said to Kevin, I understand your position. Do not know if I agree, but I understand.

      I read English fluently (writing is another story … 😛 I’m really terrible writing in English) and besides I was lucky that my post have drawn the attention of people who have gone through this problem in England. My concern is with people who are in a position worse than mine (do not speak English and do not know what to do) … And for them, some protection is better than no protection.

      I know Dephormation not solve the problem. I know that the protection it offers is relative, and if any changes to Phorm was made, there is no protection at all. I understand your concern that when installing the add on, the person have a false sense of security. All this is perfectly clear to me. But for those people not be able to install add-on creates a feeling of desolation.

      I can not change ISP. Where I live (a small town, far from the capital), the “OI/Velox is the only option for broadband. And I know that’s the reality in most small towns. I complain a lot and try to make myself be heard, and that’s what I’m doing. And it’s also what I’m advising people to do. In my post, I try to make it clear that installing Dephormation, nobody has a guarantee of safety. But for all that, maybe there were other ways to educate people in Korea and Brazil that do not involve blocking access. Again I repeat that I understand the reason and I know that is your right to do so, but I have difficulty in agreeing that this is the best way out of awareness. I believe we should always give a vote of confidence in the intelligence of people, they will understand that they are not protected when install the add on and they need also to protest and claim that Phorm does not become a reality. We just need to inform them of this. And have faith that they will feel on the one hand backed by someone who already devised a solution to minimize the problem, and moreover, motivated to fight against Phorm.

      At least that is how I think.

      But otherwise, I agree with you and repeat your words:

      Pete :

      Phorm is mass surveillance, industrial espionage, and copyright theft.



  4. PS. You might be interested in another project I’m working on (when time permits) which uses heuristics to identify and suppress tracking cookies, and maintains the privacy settings in your Firefox browser.

    It is in the early stages of development (and only suitable if you are an experienced technologist) but even so would probably be capable of identifying and completely ruining anything Phorm might deploy in Brazil.


    Over time it will get more effective at spotting tracking cookies, and include more effective countermeasures.


    1. I’ll take a look, but find it hard to classify myself as Experienced technologist 🙂

      When the internet was released to the general public, here in Brazil (1995), although it was not my area, I was on top of everything, I learned something about programming, technology and whatever else I could learn, everything in a self-taught. But unfortunately I had no time to accompany the advance of technology (work, home, children, etc.) and today I’m just a person who is interested, but with very limited knowledge …

      But I’ll be cheering for you to have enough time to this project and it is a huge success, able to protect Internet users and ensure that the Internet became exactly what it should be: free, safe, accountable and accessible to everyone, or that is, exactly how it should be our life outside the Internet.


  5. Kevin Moran :

    Now Brasil has Dephormation with Portuguese instructions. :-)

    Cool. The more informed people, the better. Too bad the not caught that link, so I could link back

    Kevin Moran :

    Your English is fine, you have even corrected Pete’s spelling mistakes, it’s my head that is wrong.

    Thanks and I hope all will be well.

    Really? Well, tks.I’m glad to hear that. When the text is larger I until use the google translator, to save work and suggest vocabulary, but always has a lot to fix and I often have to change the words used and because the phrase sounds wrong and I do not know how to fix. The english grammar is very different from ours here in Brazil, so it’s not just a question of vocabulary, but to know where to place each word to the sentence make sense and I find it really hard. : P I think in Portuguese and then translate. Some people are already able to think straight in English, For them, is a lot easier.

    Tks for all your support. 🙂


  6. grande post Adriana, temos que divulgar essas palhaçadas que querem fazer sempre com nos brasileiros, não somos ratos de laboratório, mas infelismento a maioria da população brasileira eu acho muito preguicosa e é ai que os estrangeiros se infiltram. Na própria Ignorância da população brasileira. Acordem! Um abraço a todos….


    1. Oi Fabrício

      Obrigada. Achei importante divulgar e orientar. Mas o problema não é só aqui. O Phorm é um assunto que movimenta as paixões (ódio na verdade) dos inglêses porque eles foram vitimas de suas práticas criminosas. E no momento, sofrendo essa situação conosco está a Korea.

      Não penso nisso como uma invasão estrangeira, até porque sou defensora da comunidade global. Mas admito que o fato do brasileiro ser um ser de boa, que leva tudo meio que na brincadeira, pode ter sido um fator pra escolher o Brasil como palco possivel das falcatruas do Phorm, mas não é o único fator. A internet inteira está em risco, e acho que se deve pensar no assunto nesse patamar: não é o brasileiro contra o mundo, mas os internautas contra as empresas desonestas que usam práticas escusas para controlar e lucrar com a web. E isso independe de nacionalidade. 🙂


    1. Hi Kevin,

      yes, it’s a good news.

      I’m not quite sure whether you understand the texts you sent me, but in any case to any other readers, it is worth explaining.

      The first link is a determination in the “Diário Oficial da União / Official Gazette” (which is a publication where EVERY decision, hiring and discussions that occur in government officials organs are placed) who says they was made a preliminary investigation of a complaint about possible violation of consumer rights (no quotes Phorm, but the text is clear that address this issue) and that the cause was deemed valid, or else, that needs further investigation. And states that should be initiated an official investigation.

      At this first moment, it only recognize that there may be VIOLATION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS. Still not a verdict saying that they are violating our rights, only that the complaint is founded and there are grounds to judging the case.

      The other two links are laws that were used for judging the complaint valid.

      It was confusing? Well, anyway it is a small first step, but important and very welcome. 🙂

      Wish us luck!

      (This time I’m relying almost entirely on the google translator. I’m very tired to think of a foreign language at the moment. I hope that you’d understand!:))


  7. Yes I do and Yes I do.

    Did I forget to mention that you are truly wonderful?

    Being sexist. Pretty Woman. Pretty Smile. Big Heart.

    Article XII as used by Senador Suplicy,

    Makes reference to…

    Article 1) sole paragraph.

    “O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA Faço saber que o Congresso Nacional decreta e eu sanciono a seguinte Lei:

    Art. 1º A interceptação de comunicações telefônicas, de qualquer natureza, para prova em investigação criminal e em instrução processual penal, observará o disposto nesta Lei e dependerá de ordem do juiz competente da ação principal, sob segredo de justiça.

    Parágrafo único. O disposto nesta Lei aplica-se à interceptação do fluxo de comunicações em sistemas de informática e telemática.”

    I only get to read about these things, and thyroid problems, because of something or another.

    I also believe that Brazil works to the ‘spirit’ of the law rather than the ‘letter’.

    Did I mention you are wonderful because you are.

    Big Hugz


    1. Sorry, I could not give attention to this matter in recent days and in fact I’m going to be busy in coming days. So it’s likely that you are knowing more about the course of events than I do. I hope things calm down here pretty fast, so I can keep an eye on this subject again.

      hugs, and once again thanks for your continued interest!


    1. I do not know about the rest of the time, but right now you did something silly:
      Everyone needs to apologize once in a while. And I’m no different or better than anyone.

      I really wanted to be taking time to keep informed on this topic, and help make a difference, but things are a little chaotic around here and other issues have taken my time.

      Take care you too. 🙂


  8. I used the wrong word. I often do.

    I shall now use more wrong words. Or, perhaps, closer to the right ones.

    You do not have to explain.

    And yes you are special because you help others.

    Not different or better, if you wish.

    Just Special.


    1. Oi Luiz,
      é possível que sim, não sei te dizer. Mas aí é o caso de fazer o upgrade pro firefox 3x, certo? De qualquer forma, vale lembrar que o Dephormation não é garantia total de segurança, infelizmente.


  9. Abraços.

    I was Kevin Moran. I am now my misplaced true identity… and still a slob drunken bloke.


    @sedyst @Anne_Roth @avilarenata @altbilisim

    #IGF2014 #ungovForum

    Apparently the next one, #IGF2015, is held in Brasil.

    I hope you are, more than, well and can join hands with your sisters and sort this stuff, and dare I say, them out.

    It’s not so much a language thing.. I just have problems expressing myself beyond reaching that barrier.

    Take care, remain wonderful.



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